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Settings for Review Widget

Learn how to modify the review widget.

To adjust the settings:

  1.  Go to Display reviews in Monimo Dashboard 
  2. Activate the desired review widget 
  3. Select the Customize option 
  4. Proceed to adjust the widget settings

Display option available for product page are below:

  • Always shown 
  • Hidden when empty 
  • All reviews when empty 
  • All reviews always 

The following settings can be adjusted for review widget customization:

Layout Style

Reviews can be arranged in two different lists – Basic and Side and two grids – Basic and Masonry. Side list is more compact, and Masonry grid has a fun twist with review arrangement.

Layout style is responsive to devices so you can set the number of columns you want reviews placed in on each device type. Choose if reviews will be shown at all on different types of devices.

Display Reviews

Display rates list as well as the date and also choose desired date format.

Some additional information you can choose to include are Review Images, Avatar, Verified account, Country, Customer names and Like/Dislike icons. To perfect these you can customize the image size and the name format.

Set a limit for the maximum number of reviews per page.

Theme customization

There are two Theme Styles – light and dark.

Avatar image comes in three different styles Colorful, One color and Monimo icon.

Rating stars

Rating star icons come in many different and unique shapes. Two animal related (fish and paw), one food related (a cookie), some funky (skull, bell, snowflake) and three classics (star, heart and like).

Their color and alignment can also be customized. 

CSS Editing

In CSS Editing you can edit CSS code and further experiment with your shop’s look. 

After adjusting everything to your likings don’t forget to ‘Save settings’

In case you need assistance with anything our Support Team is more than happy to help you! 

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